Monday, July 19, 2010

Interest Expense Bond Formula

TLE! Running

"Giada quanti anni hai?". "Tle!!!!"

Tre anni, hai già tre anni, come passa il tempo.
Cerchiamo l'augurio giusto, allora guardiamo ad oggi, alla tua felicità nel ricevere gli auguri e ai salti per l'arrivo della torta in tavola, a tutta la gioia e serenità del semplice stare insieme, al nostro sorriso per i tuoi sorrisi, all'emozione for your sudden outbursts of affection, to the surprise of the run-up in your embrace, which makes you lose your balance and end up on the floor or lying on the carpet .. laughing.
Our wish is for so many days like today for so many days to come. The three of us together.

Your mom and your dad.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How Much Pain After Acl Surgery


Collage of pictures of our week in Salento: great beach, tranquility and relaxation, swimming in long hours in a sea of \u200b\u200bincredible colors, the chases on the beach at sunset, our Laughter on the sand, a few days a long friendship and meetings with loved ones is always a pleasure to see and embrace.
And in front of that sea, our thoughts flew to Martina Matthias and Andreas and the little that has finally embraced his mother and his father.