Wednesday, January 30, 2008

How Friends Act Around Someone With Anorexia

Theses on DDr

Hello everyone, I am preparing a thesis that deals with the relationship of communication "deviant" in the shadow of the Berlin Wall.
In these years I have visited twice and the city, especially the last occasion, I stopped to discover that residual bit of history that still can be known of the GDR. E 'was particularly exciting to walk among the buildings of the former East Berlin and realize that, architecturally speaking, little or nothing has changed since those years.
Buildings Dick, 10, 15 or even 20 stories, all completely anonymous and equal. Vast roads that well reflect the type of socialist propaganda of the regime intended to represent the magnitude of a state that tried to distance itself from Nazism who had preceded him, but, in a tragically ironic, ended up retracing the methods of control and coercion.
What started as "the status of the workers and peasants" ended up being the state of censorship and control, systematic espionage of its own citizens and the ban on free expression. Every newspaper, every radio station and every television station, were under the control of the SED, in addition to deciding the information to donate to their citizens, had no scruples to censor uncomfortable and resubmit any communication from the "point of view" . But the maximum aberration of the system was represented by the Ministry for state security, otherwise known as the Stasi, that the obsessive control of their citizens had their raison d'etre.
The shield and the sword of state, but in reality the party, was perhaps the most hated legacy left by the defunct East Germany. Visiting the various museums open in the memory of what was, I was amazed by the modern (for the time) equipment used to intercept and spy on and control every move of the citizens of the GDR (of note in this regard, near the Brandenburg Gate, The exhibition about the Stasi, as well as to the Stasimuseum Normannenstrasse). Micro cameras placed in pens and cameras, handbags or even stones, bugs and bugs that have nothing da invidiare a quelle attualmente utilizzate dai servizi segreti; sistemi di acquisizione di odori umani ingegnosi quanto spaventosi, messi in atto attraverso l'utilizzo di panni appositamente riposti sulle sedie delle persone interrogate dalla polizia che, rimanendo a lungo (anche per giorni interi) seduti, impregnavano del loro odore la stoffa, che veniva conservata in appositi barattoli e fatta annusare ai cani poliziotto in caso di fuga.
Queste e molte altre le esperienze vissute in prima persona a Berlino, che mi piacerebbe con il tempo raccontare su questo blog, ricevendo in cambio esperienze simili e riscontri personali; se poi ci fosse qualcuno che abbia avuto la "fortuna" di trascorrere del tempo nella DDr prima della caduta del muro e volesse relate their experiences, I'd be really excited.
Laura Tranfaglia

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